Maximum Performance in Dentistry
“Take care of yourself.” Just what does that cliché really mean? It means this. YOU CREATE your own wellbeing. Ponder that. Wellbeing doesn’t just happen. You must create it.
You are composed of unique “biologic machinery” and possess your own personal requirements for focusing your mind, for physical activity, for rest, nutrition, and protection from your environment. How well you pay attention to these requirements determines your level of wellbeing. Only you can discover and apply these uniquely personal combinations. You must create wellbeing.
It’s not “out there” – in the doctor’s office, on a prescription pad, at the health food store, or in a fitness center.
Taking care of yourself is your most vital life-long creation. Being well enriches all of life’s experiences, including an increased awareness and sensitivity to the wellbeing of others. Being well provides the only pathway toward reaching your personal potentials.