Greetings and welcome to our dental office. I am Ed Gonsky, a private practitioner in Boca Raton, Florida for more than 40 years. Over the course of time we have learned ...
Maximum Performance in Dentistry
Hello and welcome. This website is about a dental practice…a very special one…it’s our practice.
It could be called critical thinking in dentistry, or a logical guide to good health. I like to think of it as maximum performance in dentistry. The idea behind this is pretty simple.
Maximum performance can only happen when the doctor and the patient follow certain rules of behavior. Each one needs to know what to do and then they have to work together to create the best of health and well-being.
It seems like I’ve spent my whole life looking at and studying maximum performers – the dominating star athletes , the team dynasties, the great coaches and teachers, especially, the great coaches and teachers. I really studied them. And still do.
And what we did was, we took the things we learned from these super achievers. We took their lessons, their methods. We took their ideas, their secrets for success. And we applied all of these to our dental practice, to our own behavior, and to our patients.
I can tell you this. It works. We really learned how to help our patients. And. Our patients learned how to help themselves.
So. We created a series of videos about maximum performance in dentistry. I invite you to find a couple of hours to watch them, to study them. You will learn something new. And maybe you’ll begin to think that this is a good direction for you to take.